Looking for

Experience Surgeons?

We provide the best of doctors, technology and care you deserve



Personalised health services at hospitals



Doctors with over 1,000 years of combined experience



Partner hospitals that provide premium care



Surgeries performed daily

It's really easy

Here is how it works

Step 1

Connect with Care Expert

Share your surgery needs, preferences, special requests

Step 2

Hospital & Doctor Recommendations

Select an experienced surgeon & premium hospital that match your requirement

Step 3

Surgery closure

Assisted transport & hospital admission. Cashless & no stress settlement

Step 4

Post-surgery support and feedback

Free doctor consultation & lab test. Share feedback on the process & Care Expert

Surgeries we cover

Know us better

Med Easy SurgiCare strives to serve its patients for daycare surgeries, using the latest technology. We ensure a smooth experience before, during, and after treatment. Our team of highly experienced doctors assure that you receive premium care at our partner hospitals. From providing a detailed diagnosis, scheduling your surgery, commuting to and from the hospital, completing your insurance paperwork and hospital discharge to follow-up consultations, Med Easy SurgiCare takes care of it all

Why opt for Med Easy SurgiCare?

Team of experienced Surgeons

Dedicated Care Expert

100% cashless procedure with minimum 20% savings

Benefits Med Easy Non-Med Easy
Free second opinion with the surgeon
Free pickup and drop service
Deposit-free admission for patients with insurance
Free upgrade to a private room
Free Insurance documentation & processing
Free Med easy+ annual membership
Support for surgery financing and zero cost EMI
Guaranteed discount for Diagnostic tests

Our stellar doctors

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